Fall is here, and watching the leaves file and blow around reminds me the God is faithful to His promises: summer and winter, seedtime and harvest will not cease while the earth remains. Being reminded of God’s faithful promises enhances our joys and helps in time of sorrow and struggle. We have experienced God’s faithfulness in recent weeks as we have been planning for the upcoming E4:12 Conference – and what an amazing response so far from churches and individuals alike!
We were in contact with our guest speaker, Matt King, recently, who passed along this note:
“I can’t believe the conference is just around the corner! We have been preparing and praying over the past few months in the background leading up to the conference. I am so excited that it is almost here. It is going to be a time where the people of God come together to open Gods Word – and I am full of faith that He is going to deepen our walks with Him and simultaneously strengthen our marriages. I look forward to a time of laughter, insight, encouragement, and hope with you – all resulting in greater worship of Him.
There is still time to register if you have not yet signed up! You will not want to miss this experience! So – bring your marriage, your Bible and a heart eager to experience the living God! See you in just a few short weeks!” – Matt King
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
Also – super excited to announce that CCEF has launched a new course: Biblical Counseling for Pastors. Over the course of 10 weeks, Ed Welch will touch on issues such as anxiety, trauma, depression and grief as it relates to pastoral counselling in the church. Seating is limited! See details below.
See you in a few weeks!
New CCEF course available. Biblical Counseling for Pastors with Ed Welch. International group discount $375 (from $500). Only 100 spots available. Begins January, 2025.
A number of staff travelled to Chattanooga Tennessee this past month for some professional development at the annual CCEF conference. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and learning about biblical rest.
Fill out the interest form here to get your name on email list. Cost only $125/per person for groups of 5 or more. (Insight facilitates the formation of groups for Canadians connected with Insight).
Course information: ccef.org/school
Valentine’s Day is only a few weeks away! Reserve your seats or table of 8 now and join us for […]
We are excited to bring our E4:12 Marriage Conference with guest Speaker Matt King to Living Water Reformed Church in […]
God has designed us to live in community for a reason. If you are struggling and need support, joining a counselling group is a great way to find community support. Insight offers curriculum-driven, Christ-centered and confidential counselling groups.
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