Barnabas- what a name! What an honour for Joseph the Levite from Cyprus to be dubbed “son of encouragement”. It would seem he lived out Paul’s instructions to the church in Thessalonica: “encourage one another and build one another up”.
A very heartfelt thank-you to the encouragers who followed up the August insights by emailing me with your prayers. They were a joy to read, and a huge encouragement not only to me, but also to the staff and the Board!
Another significant encouragement to us has been the response from churches who have bought church tickets for the upcoming E4:12 Conference, Marriage: A Beautiful Mystery. Not only do we have 17 churches partnering with us, a church in Brantford, ON, asked if we would host this conference again at their church in the spring- which we readily agreed to do. And then, we were asked if we would do it a third time in spring or summer in the Muskokas!
As staff, we enjoyed a team building day at Dundurn Castle (see pics below) last month. This, too, was rejuvenating for us.
Another bit of exciting news: we have a new satellite location in Flamborough! Redemption Canadian Reformed Church offered us some space to host counselling appointments on Wednesday afternoons; Andrea and Elaina will be seeing clients there. Please pray that this will be effective in serving our clients from beyond the Niagara Region.
Several of our staff are off to Chattanooga for a time of rest and professional development at the CCEF conference. Pray for us, that this would help to equip us to help serve our clients better.
Looking forward to seeing you at our E4:12 Conference in November.
We are excited to bring our E4:12 Marriage Conference with guest Speaker Matt King to Living Water Reformed Church in […]
Thank-you to all who attended our second annual E4:12 Training Conference this past month! It’s been encouraging to see the […]
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