At the beginning of this year, Insight Biblical Counselling officially launched and set-up temporary offices for counsellors and administrative staff in this beautiful three-storey century home on our new property located at 263 Division Street Welland.
While are grateful to have this space to meet with counselling clients during this time of transition, we are eager for renovations to be completed in the office building at the rear of the property!
To better accommodate clients with accessibility concerns, the renovation plans include:
The Insight team will be moving into offices on the second floor and the main floor will be rented to our sister agency, Clarity Pregnancy Options!
Lord willing this will happen early in 2023, but in order to accomplish goal we need your help!
As always with projects like this, there are significant costs involved–and this is where there is an opportunity for you to help.
We have had numerous people offer to help out with renovations already, and the work is well under way, but there are more opportunities for you to help. Both skilled and unskilled labour is needed to complete the project. Offer a few hours of your time or see the list of materials needed and contact us if you are able to make any donations.
We also have a goal of raising $150,000 towards this building project! Financial Donations can be made here.
Thank-you to all who have helped out with the renovations so far and those who are considering ways of support!
Valentine’s Day is only a few weeks away! Reserve your seats or table of 8 now and join us for […]
For those of you joining us for our Sweet & Savoury Fundraiser this Friday, just a reminder that it's starts at 7pm and locate at 6566 Sixteen Rd Smithville.
God has designed us to live in community for a reason. If you are struggling and need support, joining a counselling group is a great way to find community support. Insight offers curriculum-driven, Christ-centered and confidential counselling groups.
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